

It takes a lot of courage to engage your creative self. To dig deep and share your work with the outside world. Memoir, fiction, essays. All of it,  I know, because I go there every day myself as a writer. When we work together I’ll bring the sensitivity and skills I’ve learned as a teacher and a writer to your work. We’ll focus on specific aspects  you want the most help with–structure, voice, plot, fine tuning your work to get it ready for publication-whatever you feel your work needs the most.

Birthing a book can feel like chasing your tail, an endless circle. Often you need someone to ignite you at the start, other times you need someone to pick you up in the middle. Some moments it’s just a question of getting over the finish line. We can work together at any stage–from a rough idea to building an outline, on structural revisions, on developmental editing, even creating pitches to agents and editors. If you have an idea or are well into a book and stuck, get in touch! Let’s see what we can birth together.

Having worked as a scientist and science writer, I’m adept at working with technical writing. Whether you’re seeking to publish in academic journals or make your scientific writing more accessible to the general public, I can help. We can work on organization, clarity of language, argument, even micro topics like passive and active voice. I’ll bring my skills as a science writing instructor and a writer of narrative non-fiction to help you craft the best possible article or story to make your work shine.

Diana has taught me to trust my voice and encouraged me to move beyond my comfort zone.  She possesses a terrific mix of sensitivity and challenge and does not shy away from talking about what is missing. She helps you to develop areas–be it dialogue, character, plot – clearly and smartly so your story will soar. The seriousness with which she engages in her teaching fosters trust right from the get-go. I  feel more playful and devoted to my writing and the stories that are taking shape. My work with her is life giving and priceless.

Anne E. Wild-Rocheleau, PhD

If you need thoughtful, experienced, and inspired guidance, you’re in need of Diana. I sought her help in laying out the skeleton of my novel. Her advice was sage: write and write; half will provide the structure of your story, and the other half will end up on the cutting room floor. This unfroze me. I became less terrified of wrong turns and writing myself into corners. Now I write and believe that the story will emerge.


Dena L.

Diana has an ability to comprehend scientific writing and translate it into plain English, while also working with story. In my opinion, her skill is rare. She has worked as my editor on three books – two on the psychology and neuroscience of learning and one on the topic of leadership. If it wasn’t for Diana’s patient and insightful guidance, I am not sure I would have produced books that readers say are easy to read, and also that I can be proud of. I would highly recommend Diana as your partner in writing a book or article.

Celine Mullins, PhD

Coaching and Individual Instruction

My uniform philosophy about writing, whether it’s in an academic classroom, a small group workshop, or working one one-on-one with a teacher/coach, is this:

Everyone who wants to write, deserves the opportunity to write.

Many people say they want to write, but often I hear the following:

  • I don’t believe I’m good enough.
  • I don’t have the time.
  • I don’t deserve the time/space to nurture my artistic self.
  • I don’t know where to start.
  • Who am I to think I can write?


When we work together we will counter these obstacles so you can:

  • unearth blocks to your creativity
  • banish your inner critics
  • become reacquainted with your creative core
  • discover and nurture writing skills and passions long laid dormant
  • develop concrete plans to further your creative journey


Diana’s generous and intuitive guidance brought my creative life out of the darkness. Her exceptional ability to listen deeply to an artist’s vision makes certain a personalized and meaningful experience. She has an extraordinary talent for drawing out the strengths and creative potential in every artist at every stage of the creative journey. 

Duane O’Brien, MA, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Univ. of Maryland

Diana checks all the boxes of a great collaborator. She lands squarely among the precious beings who can get out of your way and spark your craft, unearthing a talent you may not have known you possessed. Her endless generosity enhances her charm. If you study with her, consider yourself lucky to have found a spirit guide.   

Thomas Rini, MA LMHC

Coaching/Editing Package

Why a Coaching/Editing Package?

If writing were as easy as sitting down to write, we’d all be writers. But we know it’s fraught with anxiety, procrastination, avoidance of hard material, and all those clever techniques we use to distract ourselves when we don’t want to face the screen/page.

Throughout my years as an editor, I’ve found that many writers who want editing feedback also want advice on how to build and stick to a writing practice. Similarly, many writers whom I have coached also want editing and skill-building advice on their manuscripts. This makes sense: developing yourself as a writer requires building technical skills as well as developing consistent writing habits. 

Editing Focuses on:

  • Structure
  • Voice
  • Language
  • Story
  • Dialogue
  • Organization

    How Does the Package Work?

    After you submit up to 6000 words,  I post edits/comments a few days later. We meet the week  following submission for one hour, via Zoom or Google Meet, or in person. In those meetings, we balance editing and coaching based on your needs.

    Following each meeting, I post a summary of our discussion and agreed-upon goals and tasks for the next time.

    When you combine coaching and editing, you build your skills as a writer in a holistic fashion, sharpen your creative skills, learn about the ‘practice’ of writing,  all of which help you both learn how to strengthen your writing, and how to stay in engaged in the process of writing.

      Coaching focuses on:

      • Identifying goals
      • Encouragement and support
      • Implementing and tracking accountability targets
      • Strategies to work through blocks and difficult material
      • Developing strong writing habits
      • Building new writing skills